3 Benefits of Daylight Harvesting with Smart Lighting Systems

SMART spaces that utilize IoT-enabled solutions for daylight harvesting use natural lighting to offset your carbon footprint & energy costs. The added benefit of daylight harvesting is creating a serene environment for customers and employees across your retail bank branch portfolio. Smart systems automatically adjust lighting levels. Since your LED lights are connected to IoT-enabled [...]

LED Lighting Glossary

Helpful LED lighting terms & definitions: Accent Lighting: Technique that emphasizes a particular object or draws attention to a particular area. Accent lighting usually utilizes a tight beam angle PAR, MR or GU light source. Alternating Current (AC): Electrical current in which the flow of electric charge continually reverses direction. Ambient Lighting: Lighting designed to […]

Do I Really Need a New Control System? 

If your business is like most, budgets are tight and money for capital projects is not easy to come by. Even when the money is there, who wants to spend it on something they don’t necessarily need?  Nobody. We don’t want that for you either.   Thankfully, there’s another option: System Reconditioning. System Reconditioning is applying [...]

Safety First:  Protecting Your Car Dealership With IoT

As a car dealer, you are part of a busy lot.  (Yes, that pun was intended.  You’re welcome.)  Dealers like you devote much of your time to the “micro” level details within your organization, and sometimes, everyone might forget about your “big picture” role as a guardian of employee safety and security.   Car Dealers:  NOT […]

What is system reconditioning?  

System Reconditioning is the process of re-applying quality assurance and system maintenance measures to existing installations to optimize energy savings and system performance.   Lighting systems are typically reliable, but they are sensitive to user error. Often, users disable lighting and controls, whether purposefully or inadvertently, if they attempt to adjust the lighting levels or system [...]

Working smarter, not harder

Who knew your lighting system would be able to collect information on occupancy patterns and provide interactive real-time heat mapping? Sounds a little ‘big brother is watching’ right? Hear me out. Less than 50% of average office space is utilized. That’s a discerning amount of space that is being lit for no reason at all. […]

How To – Energy Efficiency Upgrade Checklist

Thinking about upgrading your building’s lighting with energy efficient LEDs? Before you jump into the fray, we wanted to provide you with a quick roadmap outline of some of the most critical things to keep in mind when approaching an energy efficiency upgrade. What are the dos and don’ts of an energy efficiency project? Are […]