The Raw Numbers: How LED Lighting Reduces Maintenance Costs 

“Oh, awesome! Another light has burned out! As if my utility bills aren’t already through the roof as it is, now I have to place a call to maintenance and get this fixed!”   Ooof.  We’ve been there.  We get it.  We know that lighting is a fundamental component of your institution, whether it be a […]

Healthy, Safe, & Happy: 6 Reasons Why Smarter LED Lighting is a Wise Choice for Your Institution 

In cities all across the nation, leaders of public institutions have “seen the light”:  they’ve converted their outdated and expensive lighting systems to smarter, IoT-based LED lighting and control systems.  By doing so, they have reduced their utility bills by up to 75% upon install, and they’re saving tremendous amounts of money every single year […]

LED Lighting and Advanced Network Controls: A “Smarter” Path to Institutional (and Community) Progress

Leaders of public institutions—from the hospital director to the city mayor—face many challenges.  Funding restrictions, bloated budgets, rising expenses (in utilities and other areas), and soaring public expectations can make it seem like you’re being asked to do more with less.  It’s why many public stewards like you may wonder if “progress” is actually possible […]

Keeping it Simple:  “Smarter” Systems, the Language of Technology & Your Institution 

Most of us are familiar with that old acronym expressed with the word “K.I.S.S.”  We know that, in communication, we should try to “Keep it simple, stupid” if we want others to grasp the message we’re trying to convey.  Regrettably, as technological advances have pushed themselves into so many avenues of our lives, industry leaders […]

When Less Means More:  How to Spend Less on Energy and Revolutionize Your Institution  

Leading a public institution can be daunting.  As the societal landscape and attitudes continue to shift, citizens are expecting more from their taxpayer-funded entities.  In many cases, however, their expectations are met with disappointment when it comes to the performance of their local schools, universities, hospitals, and city at-large.   When parents see an increase in […]