Safety First:  Protecting Your Car Dealership With IoT

As a car dealer, you are part of a busy lot.  (Yes, that pun was intended.  You’re welcome.)  Dealers like you devote much of your time to the “micro” level details within your organization, and sometimes, everyone might forget about your “big picture” role as a guardian of employee safety and security.   Car Dealers:  NOT […]

Transforming Bank Branches into SMART Branches

Your portfolio of bank branches might not be ready for robots, but a few technological tweaks may be in your (near) future. With more and more consumers prioritizing online time rather than retail bank branch visits, it is important to rethink the layout of these brick-and-mortars.  What is a Smart Branch?  Smart branches provide comprehensive […]

Healthy, Safe, & Happy: 6 Reasons Why Smarter LED Lighting is a Wise Choice for Your Institution 

In cities all across the nation, leaders of public institutions have “seen the light”:  they’ve converted their outdated and expensive lighting systems to smarter, IoT-based LED lighting and control systems.  By doing so, they have reduced their utility bills by up to 75% upon install, and they’re saving tremendous amounts of money every single year […]