Advanced IoT-enabled Controls Terms & Definitions

Helpful IoT-enabled Advanced Controls Terms & Definitions Chronological time – Chronological time schedules incorporate specific times of the day, week, month or year. Solar Time – Solar time schedules incorporate sunrise and sunset times, often used to switch outdoor lighting. Solar time scheduling requires that the location of the building be set. This is accomplished using the […]

LED Lighting Glossary

Helpful LED lighting terms & definitions: Accent Lighting: Technique that emphasizes a particular object or draws attention to a particular area. Accent lighting usually utilizes a tight beam angle PAR, MR or GU light source. Alternating Current (AC): Electrical current in which the flow of electric charge continually reverses direction. Ambient Lighting: Lighting designed to […]

How To – Energy Efficiency Upgrade Checklist

Thinking about upgrading your building’s lighting with energy efficient LEDs? Before you jump into the fray, we wanted to provide you with a quick roadmap outline of some of the most critical things to keep in mind when approaching an energy efficiency upgrade. What are the dos and don’ts of an energy efficiency project? Are […]

Networked Controls 101: Top 5 Deployment Challenges

Today’s IoT connected lighting systems are advancing in sophistication and complexity at an ever-quickening rates, making it a challenge to keep up with the latest and greatest technologies. Couple that with the common challenges of deploying a networked controls system and it’s no wonder that many installation professionals are still leery in spec’ing an advanced […]

From Edison to Commercial LEDs

Simply put, the advent of the incandescent bulb in the late eighteen-hundreds revolutionized the way we go about our daily lives. From home illumination to laying the foundation for a manufacturing revolution electricity and the incandescent bulb have proven to be a founding pillar of massive economic expansion the world over. Yes, it’s true that […]