LED Lighting Glossary

Helpful LED lighting terms & definitions: Accent Lighting: Technique that emphasizes a particular object or draws attention to a particular area. Accent lighting usually utilizes a tight beam angle PAR, MR or GU light source. Alternating Current (AC): Electrical current in which the flow of electric charge continually reverses direction. Ambient Lighting: Lighting designed to […]

The Raw Numbers: How LED Lighting Reduces Maintenance Costs 

“Oh, awesome! Another light has burned out! As if my utility bills aren’t already through the roof as it is, now I have to place a call to maintenance and get this fixed!”   Ooof.  We’ve been there.  We get it.  We know that lighting is a fundamental component of your institution, whether it be a […]

From Edison to Commercial LEDs

Simply put, the advent of the incandescent bulb in the late eighteen-hundreds revolutionized the way we go about our daily lives. From home illumination to laying the foundation for a manufacturing revolution electricity and the incandescent bulb have proven to be a founding pillar of massive economic expansion the world over. Yes, it’s true that […]

Digging Deep – Direct Discount Lighting

As you learned in the post, Digging Deep – Breaking Down SBT Alliance, Direct Discount Lighting is the industry’s leading provider of cutting-edge LED luminaires and custom engineered LED specifications. But Direct Discount Lighting is far more than an online retailer of LED luminaires – I mean online retailers of, well anything, are a dime-a-dozen. [...]