“Smart” Technology is a Wise Choice for EVERY Car Dealer (Regardless of Age)! 

Occasionally, when we meet with car dealers, we find some of them to be a little nervous about “smart” technology.  We can definitely relate to that. 

After all, society has changed so much the past few years that, in many cases, we can feel overwhelmed by new technology we don’t understand.  So, we may choose to ignore (or oppose) the new and unfamiliar just because it’s an easier and more comfortable path to take. 

We get that—and each of us feels that way at one point or another.   

Car Dealerships:  It’s Not as Simple as it Once Was 

Before we really even begin talking about “smart” technology, we should address the obstacles (and opportunities) you may be facing as an automobile dealer.  Although you—and many other car dealers—have built a successful business over the years through tireless work and energy, there’s a chance that you may be facing significant challenges right nowNationwide, dealership traffic is plunging while customer skepticism is on the rise.  Ballooning utility costs, technological changes, and increased competition make the difficulties even more daunting.  You may be worried about whether you can leave behind a sustainable legacy.  

A Smart Way to Overcome Obstacles 

The solution to many of these direct (and indirect) problems can be found in one termsmart technology.  Now, to put things simply, a smart control system is made up of a variety of different devices that enable greater efficiencies.…like running your interior and exterior dealership lighting on its own.  

Say you’re worried about rising utility costs.  Well, you can SLASH your energy bills by 30-50% by simply switching from fluorescent to smart LED lighting and the use of networked controls.  You can achieve even higher utility savings by incorporating programmable operations for your HVAC systems, and you can take advantage of rebates from regional power companies to help fund the upgrade.   

This would make a major difference in your business.  Smart building control technologies can provide massive savings in money and time, thereby allowing you to re-allocate those newfound resources to stay ahead of the competition. 

Change Can Happen 

It’s not a stretch to say that most car dealers find themselves at pivotal intersections when it comes to their businesses.  If you’re open to change, embracing new technologies that will bring your dealership into the digital age, and want to win more business, then SBT Alliance is the right partner for you. Learn more about how smart-controlled technology and IoT-based solutions can drive profitability and productivity by downloading our case study for Boulevard Cadillac.

Start Smart - Your hassle-free, no obligation IoT-enabled solution consultation 833-SBT-4IOT


About The Author

SMART Goals for Retail BankingSBT Alliance - Integrated LED Lighting + advanced controls for IoT enabled SMART spaces - Energy efficiency outdoor security lightingSBT Alliance - Integrated LED Lighting + advanced controls for IoT enabled SMART buildings - MUSH clientsKeeping it Simple:  “Smarter” Systems, the Language of Technology & Your Institution