Do I Really Need a New Control System?
How to Reduce HVAC Costs & Maintain Customer Comfort
Safety First: Protecting Your Car Dealership With IoT
As a car dealer, you are part of a busy lot. (Yes, that pun was intended. You’re welcome.) Dealers like you devote much of your time to the “micro” level details within your organization, and sometimes, everyone might forget about your “big picture” role as a guardian of employee safety and security. Car Dealers: NOT […]
Transforming Bank Branches into SMART Branches
Your portfolio of bank branches might not be ready for robots, but a few technological tweaks may be in your (near) future. With more and more consumers prioritizing online time rather than retail bank branch visits, it is important to rethink the layout of these brick-and-mortars. What is a Smart Branch? Smart branches provide comprehensive […]
Why LED Lighting Can Increase Car Sales
When it comes to car dealerships, the old cliché is surprisingly accurate: there is only one chance to make a good first impression. Today, most car-shoppers enter the dealership equipped with information from the internet about the vehicle they covet, which is why half of all dealership purchases occur on the customers’ very first visit. […]
What is system reconditioning?
New HVAC Efficiency Standards for Retail Bank Branches
When you’re considering a new HVAC system for the retail bank branches in your portfolio, there are certain standards to consider. New HVAC systems are a big expense, so you need to make sure your new units make up for that in yearly operating and maintenance costs. A High Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) The […]
“Smart” Technology is a Wise Choice for EVERY Car Dealer (Regardless of Age)!
Occasionally, when we meet with car dealers, we find some of them to be a little nervous about “smart” technology. We can definitely relate to that. After all, society has changed so much the past few years that, in many cases, we can feel overwhelmed by new technology we don’t understand. So, we may choose […]
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