Refrigeration Monitoring | IoT Technologies
IoT-enabled refrigerator temperature monitoring systems offer automated, hassle-free, recording and alarming solutions. Ideal for medical, laboratory, industrial, and commercial regulatory compliance; they give you peace of mind in protecting your valuable assets.
Refrigeration Monitoring Technologies – Q&A
What does a temperature sensor do?
What is a thermal buffer?
A thermal buffer helps smooth rapid temperature fluctuations at the sensor due to compressor cycling, door opening, or loading/removing products. Thermal buffers come in the form of:
Nylon block
Bottle filled with ethylene glycol
Bottle filled with glass beads
What is the temperature measuring device in a refrigeration unit?
It connects to the probe to measure and possibly record the temperature. There are many kinds of these:
Standalone monitoring device with local memory to store measured data
Networked/LAN or WiFi measurement device with or without local memory
Wireless measurement device using a proprietary communication protocol with a base station or gateway, again with or without local memory
How does a refrigeration system collect and store data? Does it require a computer and internet connection for software downloads or upgrades?
Internal memory
Local base station or gateway
Local PC
Cloud-based service
Alarm management
Data retrieval
How do I receive notices that there is something wrong with the system?
Visual indicator
Audible alarm
Email message
SMS—Text message
Phone call
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