The Raw Numbers: How LED Lighting Reduces Maintenance Costs 

“Oh, awesome! Another light has burned out! As if my utility bills aren’t already through the roof as it is, now I have to place a call to maintenance and get this fixed!”   Ooof.  We’ve been there.  We get it.  We know that lighting is a fundamental component of your institution, whether it be a […]

Do I Really Need a New Control System? 

If your business is like most, budgets are tight and money for capital projects is not easy to come by. Even when the money is there, who wants to spend it on something they don’t necessarily need?  Nobody. We don’t want that for you either.   Thankfully, there’s another option: System Reconditioning. System Reconditioning is applying [...]

How to Reduce HVAC Costs & Maintain Customer Comfort 

When you install a comprehensive IoT solution into your retail bank branches, you can monitor who walks into your branch and who walks out. Sensors in your LED lighting communicate information to your HVAC system; including occupancy, humidity, daylight, and more. With that information, the HVAC system adjusts its temperature to the number of people [...]